Try Power Electrical – Client Success Story
Trypower Electrical Services Inc. of Hillsborough County
When Jose Sanchez and his family decided to start an electrical business, they knew that they wanted to create a business where great electrical work was met with social responsibility and integrity. That’s when they created Trypower Electrical Services Inc., which specializes in essential services for water, wastewater treatment facilities, and provides comprehensive electrical solutions for crucial public and private infrastructures, ensuring the seamless operation of vital systems in the Tampa Bay region.
“The reason that I chose to launch this type of business is the necessity of having a good electrical, a good vendor that can really perform the work they were supposed to be, following the rules and regulations, following the national electrical code, the standard that’s already established that needs to be followed,” Sanchez said.
As the president of Trypower Electrical Services Inc., Sanchez set out to find a support system that would benefit the business and create a great foundation for what was to come. That was when Sanchez found the Florida APEX Accelerator at the University of South Florida.